Sunday, May 27, 2012

Myst Designs Extraction Service FREE in JUNE!

I'm offering an Extraction Service.

What does this mean?

It means you can send me any pictures of yours where you would like something isolated from the background, and I do it for you - clean, crisp, no jaggies, no missing pixels and no stragglers (pixels left over from the extraction).

Is this only for Designers?
Not by any means.
Designers may benefit from this service since sometimes they don't have the time or the inclination to do it themselves.
However, Scrappers may find this useful as well - say you want your teenager son taken off that ugly back alley where the picture was taken, so you can place him on the beach, or in your backyard, or by himself - imagination has no limits!
Or imagine you want to scrap your baby grandson and you want him not on the couch but on the adorable moon from that last great Kit you just bought.

That's where I come in.

And for the entire month of June,
you can sample it for FREE



Until the Myst returns
stay very safe
laugh much
and know you're loved!

1 comment:

Chickadee said...

Wow! What a great idea! I will be taking advantage of your free offer! Thanks
Joyce Swaim