Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Spell Of Spring - AddOn and Designer Resource

Do you remember my Kit "A Spell Of Spring"?

This time, I decided to make a 
Designer Resource to match it,
as well as an AddOn

With the AddOn
you get

6 Brushes of Fairies (format ABR) and the images in PNG.
They are 2500 px on the larger side, but because they were made in Illustrator,
they retain perfect clarity even in such small sizes as 100 px

4 Springy and fairy masks to use in your pictures, Layouts, or anything else your imagination suggests!

With the Designer Resource
you get

4 Different Styles:
Round Glossy Glass Style
Cardstock Style
Soft Style
Colour Edge Style
all in 14 different colours

1 Set of Glitter Styles, Patters, and JPGs Sheets to use in other programs, in 13 different colours

The Swatch I used to make this Designer Resource

All my new products are 25% off
for the first two weeks in store ;)

Until the Myst returns,
stay very safe,
laugh much,
and know you're loved!

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